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Have You Forgotten People Risk?

Oct 2011

Your teams are frantically managing risk in a deepening recession.
They review economic risk, financial risk and commercial risk. But what about People Risk?

What are you really doing to mitigate the risk of “executive derailment”, of key managers leaving through your own contentious leadership? What is the risk of destructive conflict in the leadership team and the opposite – everyone being nice and not making key decisions?

Have you conducted psychometric reviews and team coaching of your leadership team members? It would save you and mitigate the risk of their “dark side” bringing the team and your business down.

Ignore that risk at your own cost. You will be following some famous CEO names like Dick Fuld in Leeman Brothers and Sir Fred (the Shred) Goodwin in RBS.

I wish you a high risk, yet exciting life
Warm regards Jonathan

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