How can you make 2013 your best year yet?
Do you shy away from defining crucial New Year’s Resolutions like:
1. What are your top 3 goals for this year?
2. Who do you want to be this year -so how will you behave and treat your colleagues?
3. What is your life purpose – why are you here on this planet?
Keep it simple – neuro-scientists have found our brains respond well to the “Goldilocks effect” when designing goals and objectives that are motivational. Ensure your resolutions are not too hard, not too easy, just stretching enough yet achievable.
So don’t avoid a resolution, or goals and objectives.
Remember the warning – When you don’t know where you are going , any road will take you there”.
Whatever you decide keep it simple and motivational.
Good luck in making 2013 your best year yet.
Warm regards Jonathan