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How to Demoralise Your Team 1 – Micromanage

Aug 2011

I thought I would include 4 short blogs on how to demoralise your team. Often it is helpful to point out the toxic things we do, in order to focus on what we should be doing instead.

So your Doctor asks “you Micromanage?”
He has that resigned look and questions, “how long have you been suffering from this obsession?”
Your explanation pours forth: you only do it because the team you have aren’t good enough; you are just trying to help them; that it is quicker than teaching them to do it independently and that you get the perfect outcomes exactly the way you want it.

Further probing brings out confessions; micromanaging gives you a kick; the control you have over others is addictive; other managers do and did it to you. You want the next generation to suffer like you did!

On reflection the Doctor prescribes a short course of; trusting others, giving clear instructions with outcomes; asking your team what they think and how would they solve problems and using a coach approach to leadership.

Now that feels better already and certainly you’re not toxically contagious any more.

Have a great week. Go out and catch someone doing something RIGHT.

Warm regards Jonathan

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