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How to Demoralise Your Team 3 – Be a Self-Interested Leader

Aug 2011

Go on, you know you want to………. Tell them all just how good you are, what you’ve achieved as a self-made man or woman. In a position like yours you can really look after number 1 and feather your nest. It will be a great opportunity to advance yourself further with your bosses and line yourself up for a pay rise or promotion. Why not use the work of others and indicate that it was yours?

Seem a strange attitude and far fetched? I hope so! Sadly it is far too common in business leaders I meet. It definitely is a certain way to ensure your team are thoroughly demoralised.

There is another – far healthier and honest way. Accepting that we do things with a clear intention to benefit ourselves, we can ensure that the team we lead benefits too. This is where Moral Intelligence and Integrity always pays in the short, medium and long term.

More importantly if we focus on doing good work for our clients and customers, then they come back to us for repeat business. Sometimes I have found this may be months later, but trust and trustworthiness is a powerful force.

If your team know that you genuinely care for them too, then they willingly give “extra discretionary energy”. That creates an incredible input to igenerate mproved performance and financial results. That is too big a benefit to ignore.

So go out and find what interests your team, what drives and motivates them and then tap into that power source. If done authentically, then the by product is that your needs and aspirations are also met.

Have a good week in the August sun.
Warm regards Jonathan

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