Tell Your Story
As a leader others need to find you credible.
Are you worthy of their trust?
Why should they be led by you? In the military we gave our lives following leaders and had to be certain they would not lead us to our deaths unnecessarily.
To be credible we need to know some fundamental questions:
1. What has shaped you and your values?
2. What have been your high points and low points in your life?
3. How have those “battle scars” moulded you into the woman or man you are today?
So whenever you speak, tell your authentic story.
Make it raw and make it real and ensure that you “bring your humanity to work.”
Stories are the source of information and message passing; they connect with our minds in the way nothing else does.
Become a master story teller of truth.
I wish you well in your own public speaking – as I am finding
it takes a lot of practice and continual unlearning and relearning.
However it is worth it.
You will touch people and changes lives for the better.
Warm Regards
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