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April 18, 2021

Always Have a Goal, a Plan & Be Ready for Change: Graham Harle: CEO Gleeds with Jonathan Bowman-Perks

Podcast Details

Top Tip

The Warrior, the Strategist and You. Remember to look for the good and the positives. Success comes from the combination of physical, spiritual and emotional resilience.
  1. Graham Harle – CEO Gleeds

Graham Harle is Global Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Gleeds, overseeing a worldwide business with a turnover of £200 million and 80 offices. 

Having been on the Executive Board for 13 years, Graham moved into his new role in January 2019. Graham’s aspiration for Gleeds is that it increasingly leverages its in-house expertise and client networks to create new opportunities and exceed the demands of the sector globally. Graham is focused on driving the Digital, ESG and D&I agendas within Gleeds together with continued awareness of the mental health and wellbeing agenda. 

Graham has worked for Gleeds since 1995 and was formerly the Head of Programme and Project Management as well as key contact for several global clients. Instrumental in the growth of Gleeds’ commercial business into one of the strongest teams in London and the UK, Graham believes in setting the highest standards of service for Clients. 

With over 30 years’ industry experience, Graham has built successful and long-term relationships with developers and funders and has significant experience in the private sector, providing strategic advice on a number of major developments in the UK, Europe, US and Middle East. 

Outside of work, Graham is an avid sportsman, football coach and enjoys contributing to society via his charity work. 

Top Leadership Tip: The Warrior, the Strategist and You. Remember to look for the good and the positives. Success comes from the combination of physical, spiritual and emotional resilience.


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