Brigadier Jim Richardson: CEO Haig Housing Trust – Inspiring Leadership with Jonathan Bowman-Perks
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Top Tip
Brigadier Jim Richardson CEO Haig Housing Trust
Jim was the CEO of Haig Housing Trust after retiring from an Army career spanning 35 years from the age of 16. He lives Mark Twain’s maxim ‘Find something you love to do, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life’. This journey took him through life as a soldier, grasping every opportunity presented and seeking to use and develop his talents in pursuit of service and commitment to his country and community.
He led units and formations up to Brigade level and was involved in many of the Army’s operational deployments since 1980 including chairing General Petraeus’ Brains Trust in Iraq 2007. His leadership theme is to trust your own judgement in any situation you face as long as you have learned and lost along your journey you will not be far wrong. His top tip is the need for shared situational awareness; making sure all the team work to a common purpose understanding their role in achieving a goal and to understand the criticality of their part while also understanding the bigger picture.
James describes himself as: Experienced Chief Executive Officer with a demonstrated history of working in the military and Not for Profit industry. Strong business development professional skilled in Crisis Management, Strategy, Operational Control, Training and Development.
Our links go back to when he was one of the Troop Commanders and I was the Adjutant of 2nd Division Headquarters and Signals Regiment in York and Jim has returned there to settle with his family. We served together again at The Army Command & Staff College. He has had a story of drive and success – a talented Athlete and Rugby Player, beginning life as a Soldier in the Royal Signals and ending as a Brigadier. He always had a great sense of fun energy drive and determination which was infectious.