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December 21, 2020

Manage The Beast – Alistair Kett & Jonathan Bowman-Perks: Inspiring Leadership Interview

Podcast Details

Top Tip

Remember you have choice in how to interact with people, what decisions to make and be prepared to try something new.

Alistair Kett – PwC Partner Leadership Lessons from Military to Business Alistair Kett is one of PwC’s top Industrial Products Consulting Partners based in London. His 7 years of military experience as a British Infantry Army Officer, plus his 22 years commercial experience make a powerful combination. His PwC specialties are operations consulting expertise covering: cost-based transformation, operating model design and transformation; procurement and supply chain optimisation; complex transformation programme leadership and deal support/project financing. Alistair has deep domain knowledge in the industrial products sector with specific expertise in manufacturing, oil field services. aerospace, defence, transportation and logistics. He was promoted in 2008 to PwC Partner at a young age had a fascinating time as a working in the Middle East in countries like Iraq and Gulf States.

His earliest leadership experience was forged in the British Army as an Infantry Officer in The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (RRF). I’ve known him 20 years from our first days in PwC and find his leaders insights and practices very insightful and inspiring. He learnt from some of the finest leaders such as General Paul Nanson (Commandant RMAS) who was a fellow officer senior to him. We had wide discussions on: Millennials, moral integrity, authenticity, vulnerability and how to motivate people are shrewd. Toxic environments with misaligned goals, inauthenticity and lost trust are too common in various businesses.

Beware business “White Collar psychopaths” – if a leader’s moral compass wavers, then you get: bulling, self-serving and dishonest behaviours. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is key when blended with Moral Integrity and then you will get fine inspiring leaders. True mantra about “the loneliness of leadership” and often find yourself working in the dark. Is so then “ensure your moral compass has a backlight”. Alistair was frequently promoted in the Army and PwC at an early age and his advice was to balance 3 elements: The Beast, Theatre and Real-World components. Focus on real world value-adding activities.

Top Tip – remember you have choice in how to interact with people, what decisions to make and be prepared to try something new.

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