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January 02, 2021

You Can If You Think You Can: Paul Bean – CEO City FM – Inspirational Leadership interview with Jonathan Bowman-Perks

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A firm believer in the power of: ‘you can if you think you can’.

Paul Bean – CEO of City FM – You Can If You Think You Can.

CEO UK & Europe at City Facilities Management Holdings Ltd. After 20 years’ operating in the hospitality sector and running mainly 4- and 5-star hotels Paul joined the growing Facilities Management business, which after all he says, is a simply a hotel without beds. Paul joined Compass Group and launched a new FM service for the Royal Bank of Scotland breaking new ground for the industry by introducing the first Service Assurance measure through Hospitality Assured now regarded as a benchmark for the FM industry.

In 2006 Paul was a co-founder of a new FM business ‘Resource Group’, formed from a management buy-in and based in Northern Ireland, a business that grew to employ over 10’000 people before the GFC in 2008 but subsequently became a casualty of the crisis. Since those early days Paul has gone on to lead FM businesses both here in the UK working for Engie and Amey plc and internationally for Sodexo as the CEO of Mining Worldwide before joining City Facilities Management FM in March of 2020 to lead the UK and Europe business.

A firm believer in the power of: ‘you can if you think you can’.

Experienced Chief Executive Officer with a demonstrated history of working in the consumer services industry. Skilled in Negotiation, Budgeting, Business Planning, Operations Management, and Coaching. Strong business development professional graduated from Cassio College.

Paul is a high calibre Executive with a proven strategic and operational track record. Kick-starting his career in hotel operations, with Hilton and Marriott Hotels. In 2006 Paul was awarded a Fellowship by the UK Institute of Hospitality in recognition of his contribution to the UK hospitality industry. Paul has spent the last 17 years’  in large scale facilities management, contract management and business development, operating in many sectors in Europe. In November 2019 Paul was recognised for his contribution to the Facilities Management sector with a Fellowship award from IWFM. Paul was a co-founder of Resource Group which was started from a management buy-in and was built up to integrate 5 companies creating one of the largest private FM companies in Ireland from 2006 to 2010.

Following his exit in 2010 Paul held executive level positions with GDF Suez and Amey plc up until 2014 when he joined Sodexo where Paul held the position of CEO Mining Worldwide.  Paul was instrumental in driving the growth and innovation for Mining within Sodexo and helped to drive business growth significantly over 6 years establishing a market leading position in many territories globally, including leading the award and mobilisation of the largest contract awarded to Sodexo in its 52 year history valued at over $3bn.  Joining City FM in March 2020, Paul brings with him a wealth of expertise in business growth, people management, change management, project mobilisation, innovation and problem solving.

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