131. Top Tip: Patrick Kane: Public speaker, ambassador, disabled persons’ advocate and healthcare communications company account executive. Top Tip: Opportunity is how you perceive your current situation.
Top Tip Details
131. Courage & Overcoming disability: “Patrick Kane is a public speaker, ambassador, disabled persons’ advocate and healthcare communications company account executive.
Opportunity is how you perceive your current situation most people when they hear that I am a triple amputee Think that wouldn’t of give me many opportunities. Even as I’ve got older it’s been one of the better things that’s happened to me and I wouldn’t of changed it.
Because of what’s happened to me when I was ill as a baby and got sepsis I’ve been given all sorts of opportunities such as I carried the Olympic torch at the Paralympics in Trafalgar Square, appeared on an Apple advert and spoke at the TEDx speakers event.
None of these things would’ve been possible not only because of what happened to me, but the mindset I took to view this situation and opportunity it gave me.