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April 18, 2021

150. Top Tip: Graham Harle: CEO Gleeds: Keep the Positive Actions you were doing before the Pandemic and during it. Keep Balance with Family & Colleagues.

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As well as the physical there is the emotional and spiritual aspects that make us all human. Balance between quality time with family and colleagues. Keep your values and balance. You will achieve a much better balance in our life.

Graham Harle MRICS, MAPM CEO Gleeds a global international real estate construction consultancy Business. 80 offices and 2,000 employees. COVID and the pandemic – remember all the good you’ve achieved during the pandemic and keep it going. Also pick up on the positive things you were doing before the Pandemic and keep this going. People have started cycling walking and running. They need to continue. As well as the physical there is the emotional and spiritual aspects that make us all human. Balance between quality time with family and colleagues. Keep your values and balance. You will achieve a much better balance in our life.

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