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Your Introversion Is An Asset

Jan 2012

Time for Introverts to fight back! For too long the world has literally been dominated by extroverts. The introverts can’t get a word in edge ways. The loudest voices have dominated and often held sway.

However with “Time to Think” – an approach designed by Nancy Kline, as introverts you will have the space to share your views, opinions and freshest thinking. You will surprise the extroverts by sharing your voice and creative thoughts. So change the way you run meetings to unlock the potential of 50% of your talent that your organisation suppresses and discriminates against.

I enjoyed Terence Blacker’s controversial article in The Independent. He likes stirring things up like Darren Robson and to be the shark in the fish tank. So I will definitely read Susan Cain’s new book when it comes out at the end of March “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking”.

I do agree that we need uninterrupted time to think to be creative. However from 32 years experience I don’t subscribe to the extrapolation of that view that collaborative team building events are less effective than solitude for producing the best results.

The way you can run team building events will make it possible to bring out the best in both introverts and extroverts and does not need to be polarised to favour one or other.

It can fundamentally change teams for the better.
There is a better way to be creative, innovate and inspire you and your team.

Warm regards Jonathan

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