Designed to Inspire
Inspiring Leadership Book
You will be able to draw upon Jonathan’s academic research coupled with the experiences of the many inspiring leaders he works with. The book offers an insight into the techniques employed by successful leaders, and allows you to benefit from their wisdom.
Top Tips for Inspirational Leaders

Top Tips for Inspiring Women Leaders
This special edition celebrates International Women’s Day and inspirational women who are making a difference in their lives, organisations and communities! The authors bring you some of the best leadership practical tips and nuggets of wisdom from some of the most successful people in authority from around the world.

Top Tips for Inspiring Leaders
These Inspiring Leaders have been in the thick of things. They have made mistakes and learned the hard way to persevere, apply the resultant wisdom and become highly successful.
From many years of experience, as Trusted Leadership Advisers, we find the enclosed wisdom helps people to find purpose, make more money for their businesses, wisely allocate their time and improve the quality of their work/life.

Inspiring Women Leaders
What does real inspirational leadership look like for you in the 21st century? How can you harness the power of diversity through being truly inclusive of women leaders?
The book is a call to action for us all. This is not a ‘women’s issue’ that a few good men support. This is an issue of inclusion, and we each have a crucial part to play.