How to Win Friends & Influence People. By Dale Carnegie
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So this is my favourite book.
It was probably the first self-development human behaviour book I was introduced to by my late mother Tricia, when I was about 20. Re-reading it, or rather re-listening to it, since that is my preferred style as someone who is dyslexic, I realise now that I overlooked and missed so much that I’m now thoroughly enjoying and resonating with now as I approach 60. So what happened in the intervening 40 years you may well ask? I think I just made too many the mistakes and got my human relations wrong. Bitter experience teaches us so much. This is the foundational book on human behaviour. Mastering understand this and your success in life and work will be far greater than it would’ve been had you not.
Fundamental techniques in handling people.
Six ways to make people like you
How to interest people and make people like you instantly.
To win people to your way of thinking.
You can’t win an argument. If you win you lose. If you lose you lose.
Winning arguments all the time is a sure way to make enemies.
If you are wrong admit it.
Talk about your own mistakes first
No one likes to take orders
Let the other person save face
Give a dog a good name
Make the Fault seem easy to correct
So many other personal development/self development books have built on the wisdom that’s almost 90 years old in this book. Listen to it. I also attach the updated version on Amazon in the link below about how to make friends and influence people in the digital age which I am reading at present.