What You Can Learn About Success from the World’s Greatest Rock Stars: Dayna Steel- The Rock Business: Inspiring Leadership interview with Jonathan Bowman-Perks
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127. Dayna Steele – CEO The Rock Business Dayna Steele worked with the world’s greatest rock stars for years, observing what makes a rock star and what makes a fleeting one-hit wonder. This rock radio Hall of Famer brings her Rock Star Principles of success to The Rock Business: entertaining podcasts, popular speeches, best-selling books. Rock star speaker, best-selling author, and Texas rock radio Hall of Famer Dayna Steele brings you her Rock Star Principles podcast, conversations with successful rock stars in business and entertainment. Join Dayna and her special guest with a new episode every Friday for lessons learned, obstacles overcome, and the fun and bizarre stories along the way. It could be a real rock star, a CEO, an athlete, an actor, or you. Listen to the podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, and wherever podcasts are broadcast.
As a popular speaker, Dayna’s #RockStarPrinciples and true stories entertain your audience and gives them memorable lessons for individual and company success. Dayna takes the audience on an entertaining and thought-provoking rock journey from backstage all the way to the top of the charts with true stories and the business lessons learned about leadership, teamwork, communication, customer service, marketing, and more. The presentation is available on Zoom, Google Meetings, Microsoft Teams, and for individual consultations via phone or other online meeting. Dayna Steele is a successful entrepreneur, media strategist, nationally recognised radio and TV personality, and the author of the best-selling business book “Rock to the Top: It Now Goes to Eleven – What You Can Learn About Success from the World’s Greatest Rock Stars” and creator of the “101 Ways to Rock” book series.
She started and sold the first NASA and space-related retail website becoming an aerospace executive in the process, gives laptops to high school students in need, and lives in Texas, California, and New York with her husband and too many rescue dogs. “One of the 35 people who inspire us.” – Readers Digest Magazine “Dayna Steele is “fearlessly authentic”! ” – Clear Lake Chamber “Ridiculously sane advice.” – ABC News Note: Dayna’s newest book, coming out March 1st, is 101 Ways to Rock: Running For Office – the novice candidate’s guide to beginner politics. Dayna ran for the US Congress in 2018 as a Democrat in one of the reddest areas in the entire United States.
Dayna’s mantra: The more you do to help someone else succeed, the more you will succeed. #rockstarprinciples #keynotespeaker #leadership #teamwork #customerservice #change Fun fact: Shaved my head the first week or so of quarantine for charity. Raised $14,000+ for the Houston Food Bank. My hair has been an ongoing pandemic project ever since – thus the reason I have so many different looks!