From McKinsey Partner to Technology Advisor: Renier Lemmens and Jonathan Bowman-Perks – Inspiring Leadership Interview
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Renier Lemmens – Fintech Chair/NED | Banking NED | Professor of Fintech
Jonathan Shares his interview with Renier Lemmens -who had a fascinating background in three phases: Phase 1 as a consultant with Arthur D Little McKinsey and taking his MBA. Phase 2 as a senior executive in financial services with Barclays, PayPal and GE. And Phase 3 his current plural career as chairman of four different tech companies and an advisor.
Renier Lemmens is a Venture Partner with DN Capital focusing on Fintech. He currently also serves as Chairman of TransferGo, Divido, Mojo Mortgages, and Hostmaker. He is a non executive director at Arion Bank and Senior Advisor and Visiting Professor of Fintech and innovation at the London Institute of banking and finance. He recently served as board member of Revolut. In the past, Renier served as CEO of PayPal EMEA and member of its global executive team. He was COO of Barclays International Retail and Commercial Banking. Renier was an officer of GE Capital where he served as Chairman and CEO of Budapest Bank, and SVP Business Development for the Americas. Renier was a partner with McKinsey & Company in London, New Delhi, and San Francisco. He is a frequent speaker at Fintech Conferences.
He holds an MsC with distinction in Computer Science and an MBA with Distinction from INSEAD, France.
Money Dashboard, Chairman of the Board (part-time): 2019 – present
Bnext, Senior Adviser (part-time): January 2020 – present
DN Capital, Venture Partner: 2019 – present
Arion banki, Non-Executive Director, Audit Committee & Risk Committee: 2019 – present
The London Institute of Banking & Finance, Professor of Fintech and Innovation and Senior Adviser: 2018 – present
Divido, Chairman of the Board: 2018 – present
TransferGo, Chairman of the Board: 2017 – present
Revolut, Board Adviser: 2018–19
Viadeo, CEO: 2016–17
ATI Technologies, Board Member: 2014–15
Robin Mobile, Board Director: 2013–15
Ramphastos Investments NV, Partner: 2012–15
VoiceTrust, Director: 2012–15
Antenna Company International NV, Member of the Board: 2012–15
ThirdMotion, Inc, Board Director: 2012–14.
Zenith Bank UK PLC, Independent Director and Chairman Audit Committee: 2006–13
PayPal, CEO PayPal Europe Middle East and Africa: 2009–12
Barclays Bank, COO International Retail and Commercial Banking: 2005–07
GE Capital, Chairman and CEO Budapest Bank (2004), SVP Business Development: 2002–04
McKinsey & Company, Partner: 1992–2002
Arthur D Little, Consultant: 1988–91
Dutch Army – Artillery, Lieutenant Battery Commander: 1987–88