#301: Jonathan & Leigh Review 300 Guests! Part 2
Podcast Details
1. The Why Behind the Podcast: The Inspiring Leadership Podcast was born in 2019, and as we embark on our 5th year, it’s an opportune time to revisit its inception.
2. MQ – Moral Quotient – what stands out for you on guest’s morals, values and integrity? General The Lord Dannatt (Episode 200) – He highlighted the vital part of Integrity & asked me “What’s Your Life Plan?” Daniel Bernard (Episode 202) – It’s all about Truth & Humanity.
3. PQ – Purpose Quotient – What gives your guest’s lives meaning & purpose? Nando Cesarone (Episode 204) – President UPS USA – delivering healthcare, helping economies grow, assisting people’s dreams come true. Also, Marc Allera CEO EE and BT Consumer Division (Episode 297). General Petraeus and Colonel Stuart Tootal both stressed living a life of meaning and purpose.
4. HQ – Health Quotient – what were some of the best tips from your guests that they live and practice to keep healthy? Barbara Cox-Lovsey, (Episode 162). Targeted nutrition, Supplements hot/cold therapy. Yilmaz Erceyes Episode 201, CMO Premier Foods – wearable tech such as the Oura Ring. Graham Brown Podcaster (Episode 209) Iron Man and endurance events.
5. EQ – Emotional & Social Intelligence Quotient – Chip Massey FBI – (Episode 305). Herb Lang (Episode 292) – totally inspiring with Adults and children.
6. CQ: Cultural & Collective Intelligence Quotient – Ride for Unity Sheika Sareh Ameri and Faisal Al Nuami – (Episode 295). We need calm and to “be more like Faisal!”
7. RQ – Resilience Quotient – How do the most successful guests pick themselves up in times of adversity? Justin Levene (Episode 293), Rodney Flowers (Episode 178), Jessica Smith (Episode 296), Hari Buddha Magar (Episode 291).
8. BQ – Personal Brand Quotient. Don’t oversell yourself – servant leadership. The Brands they represent. Remitly Global -Hilton Hotels – Ben Bengougam UPS -Military Brands – SEALS Jon 278, SAS 277.
9. LQ – Legacy Quotient- what matters about stewardship and legacy for your guests? The people I helped – Brian J Esposito (Episode 174). Inspiration & made a difference to peoples lives – Sophie Neary (Episode 177). He lived life to the full – (Episode 179). Manley Hopkinson.
10. Podcast Highlights: Over the course of 300 episodes, we’ve celebrated openness and vulnerability, promoted recommendations from inspiring leaders, and engaged in enlightening conversations with notable individuals like General David Petraeus CIA Director (Episode 247), Prof Sharon Peacock CBE (Episode 191), Guy Hands (Episode 187) – who shared the wisdom that “1. things are never as good as you think. 2. Things are never as bad as you fear,” and many special forces leaders The SF Leaders – Jon Macaskill 278, SAS Splash Ashton 277, Robin Horsfall 286, Col Andy Milburn 287,Dan Jarvis MP 217. Politics and Para.
11. Top Leadership Tips: We wrap up our reflection with some of the most profound 2-minute leadership tips from our guests, including:
“ABC Aim high, Be the best, Courage is key”: General The Lord Dannatt (Episode 200)
“This is what I want done. This is what you’ve got to do with it. How you do it is up to You – Airborne initiative”, General Sir Mike Jackson (Episode 126)
“Use your most valuable commodity well – time” Huw Owen, CEO (Episode 167).
“The power of patience. We always overestimate what we can do in 6 months & underestimate what we can do in 6 years” Dr Chris Pyle (Episode 181).
12. Top Book recommendations:
How to win friends and influence people – Dale Carnegie.
The Daily stoic – Ryan Holiday
The Promise that changes everything – Nancy Kline
Politics on the edge – Rory Stewart
Trust and Inspire – Stephen Covey