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20 Jun, 2011
Autism is a complex medical syndrome. We need to be careful in how it is stigmatised. The National Autistic society defines it as difficulty with social communication, interaction and imagination. …
18 Jun, 2011
In his audiobook ” your brain at work” David Rock shares some helpful insights about why we act as we do in meetings at work. Our initial brain wiring sees new colleagues as threats, in…
18 Jun, 2011
Think twice before pressing “send” on that email. Even in drafting this blog I accidentally sent it before I had finished! Many of the executives I know have unwittingly offended collea…
13 Jun, 2011
I really enjoyed a Harvard Business review article on the “competing commitment” between what people say they want/ believe in and their actions. Often there are untrue limiting assumpt…
12 Jun, 2011
The “critical difference between classes” as Nobel Prize-winning economist James Heckman pointed out on his recent UK tour, ” is not so much intelligence, as readiness to learn&#8…
10 Jun, 2011
Do you work with or for a business psychopath? How would you ever know? How can you manage them, or mitigate the risks they can cause you and your organisation? This excellent book by Paul Babiak a…
15 Jan, 2011
In the article in Business week I expand on the concern I have about the dearth of good managers and prevalence of grey leaders. Leadership inspires and motivates us to go the extra mile for someon…
6 Jan, 2011
Below is the link to the feature Mikaela Roche recorded with Jonathan, which was played on both BFBS Radio and BFBS Radio 2.  Well worth listening to:…
5 Jan, 2011
  A friend of mine worked in 2010 in a management role within a Government department. After 3 months he had achieved all his objectives and tasks for the following 12 months. He had exceeded all h…
12 Dec, 2010
As Oliver Johnston says “when you dont have enough, more is good. When you have enough, or more than enough is more good?”  The leaders I know (and indeed I myself) have enough, or more…
7 Dec, 2010
Assume some Partners in a global  professional services firm are charged out at £500 an hour (very conservative). If 12 of them meet for an ineffectual meeting then that costs the firm £6,000 in lo…
29 Nov, 2010
As young managers, I and my peers were swift to criticise those in the CEO roles. We had all the ideas, energy, passion and few of the real responsibilities. “Why dont they do this or that?&#…